High-Speed Wi-Fi and Location Analytics for educational institutions

Access to online resources is now a necessity for any educational institution. Therefore, students and teachers need a Wi-Fi network that allows them to massively consume these resources with fluidity, security, and regardless of the number of connections, the type of content, or the location from which they are accessing it.

Our proprietary CHT (Cognitive Hotspot Technology) enables automatic optimization of network parameters to ensure the best possible performance. Additionally, with Galgus Connect, we ensure complete coverage thanks to the convergence of Wi-Fi and 5G.

Furthermore, thanks to our location and presence analytics, Wi-Fi networks can also serve to enhance surveillance within the premises, detecting unwanted intrusions and even identifying points where students leave the campus during school hours.

Connectivity resistant to complex environments while providing greater security to the institution

Multimedia educational materials on the internet, the schools’ own online platforms, streaming sessions, and many other elements have completely changed how students and teachers approach their daily activities.

Educational institutions must adapt to these changes as quickly as possible, especially considering the challenge of providing all this without connection drops or slowdowns due to high demand from simultaneous connections.

With CHT, thanks to Network Health Optimization, the Wi-Fi network parameters are automatically readjusted to always provide the best connectivity experience based on the conditions at any given moment.

This way, no matter how demanding the situation, we can handle it with ease. All this while ensuring control over network access and restricting visits to inappropriate websites for educational purposes, thanks to our Network Enhancer.

Additionally, our technology reduces the investment required for network deployment by minimizing the number of access points needed to provide quality service and extending their average lifespan.

Of course, we understand that educational institutions may have areas with poor coverage, so we provide a solution with Galgus Connect, which combines the power of our networks with 5G.

Beyond user experience, with Location & Presence Analytics, we enhance the security of the institution by monitoring in real-time for intrusions or unauthorized exits and issuing the corresponding alerts. All this with the highest possible precision.

Higher Connectivity, Tangible ROI

Here some ROI examples from our clients,
discover more in our case studies!

of reliability by detecting devices in the range of Galgus WiFi networks.
0 %

Up to

Reduces acquisition and operating costs.
0 %
Robustness and reliability of analytics.
x 0

How do we apply our technology in educational institutions?

Discover our success stories

school in Madrid

Maximum Quality in Spaces with High Student Density and Multimedia Traffic

Galgus, in collaboration with Telefónica, deployed 34 access points throughout the school facilities to cover every area and provided the institution with 600 teaching devices (tablets).

Salesianos School Seville

Advanced Analytics and High-Performance WiFi for Schools and Educational Centers

Our 3D designs identified the most problematic areas for connectivity. We limited traffic on the network designated for students and installed access points with CHT network optimization technology and Cloud Manager.

Schools in Italy

CHT and Location Analytics in various regions of Italy

Galgus offers a tool that can manage a multitude of connected devices, in addition to allowing educational staff to control network access.

Products for connectivity solutions in the education sector

Check our most demanded solutions


Indoor APs


Indoor APs


Outdoor APs




Network Enhancers

What´s Next?

Galgus is Your Trusted Technology Partner in the Educational Sector

Speak to one of our experts and find out how you can leverage Galgus technology to provide better connectivity for students and teachers. A key support for the technology development in your institution.

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