Pilgrimage of El Rocío: WiFi Location & Presence Analytics for large flows of people

Galgus deployed an infrastructure and technology that allowed monitoring the presence and behavior of the participants of one of the most crowded events at national level, such as the pilgrimage of El Rocío.

With this, it was possible to optimize the management of public and emergency services throughout the village, as well as its main accesses.

The challenge of managing public services at a massive event

WIFI presence & Location analytics to monitor capacity and people flows

Every year, up to a million people gather in El Rocío for the celebration of one of the most massive events in Spain, as is the pilgrimage. A few days in which the usual population of the village can be multiplied by 10.

To ensure their safety and an efficient organization of all services, it is essential to know exactly the capacity and flows that take place at all times at different strategic points.

In this way, we collaborate for a better organisation of what is known as the Romero Plan, the security and emergency plan that is activated every year for the pilgrimage.

The testimony of our client


Here you can hear from María Dolores Jiménez, Head of Civil Protection Services of the Junta de Andalucía, about how our Presence & Location Analytics solution helped them better manage their services at such a large and complex event.

The deployed by Galgus

Key devices and technology to achieve the desired results

Quite a challenge that we faced at Galgus, and the results could not have been more satisfactory.

To achieve this, in the days leading up to the pilgrimage, we deployed a total of 30 APs, both in the village itself and at its main access points.

These were equipped with our patented Location & Presence Analytics technology, which uses WiFi signals from any mobile device, connected or not to the network, generating a unique identifier (Fingerprint) for each one.

This way, there are no errors in counting and tracking, even if their MAC addresses constantly change or two identical devices are in the same area.

All information was anonymized, and its collection did not require any action from the user.

dashboard Rocio
aforos Rocio

Results achieved

The most relevant data provided to the authorities by the Galgus technology

With all the data collected, the authorities had a continuously updated dashboard that they could consult from any PC, tablet or mobile.

It showed real-time analytics and valuable time series, such as:

  • Total and detailed counts with different time windows.
  • Heat maps.
  • Capacity control (automatic with respect to the maximum reached).
  • Segmentation of devices according to their proximity to access points.
  • Possibility of marking events.
  • Movement patterns.

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