case study

Valencia Port Achives Operational Efficiency With Galgus

Valencia, with its extensive network of connections to major ports around the world, stands as Spain’s premier port in the Mediterranean.
At the Port of Valencia, Galgus offers a top-notch network service at the Border Inspection Post (BIP), ensuring exceptional quality and performance.


The Port of Valencia handles a total volume of 82.8 million tonnes of cargo per year. Recognising the importance of optimising logistics and container distribution, its managers decided to improve these operations with maximum efficiency.

In addition, the Port of Valencia understands the fundamental role played by its workers, so one of its objectives was to provide an improved network service.

By investing in superior connectivity and technology, they aimed to create an environment in which workers can thrive and perform at their best, ensuring a seamless and efficient experience.


The deployment of Galgus’ WiFi infrastructure, with 8 access points, allows for monitoring the network’s health, as well as the real-time operation of the APs and understanding the performance of connected devices.

This follows a detailed preliminary study in which we considered aspects that were not taken into account in the previous network, such as optimal channel adjustments or the specific materials of the installations, as well as the presence of elements like doors, windows, and furniture.

With all this, we ensure precise monitoring of wireless networks, resulting in a fast, robust, and secure network that guarantees the best possible user experience.


As a result of this preliminary study, the installation now provides optimal coverage even inside the unloading trucks. This allows operators to perform labeling tasks without needing to unload the goods, thereby improving work efficiency.

Thanks to Location Analytics technology, there is better control over the flow of people within the facility, which facilitates the management of human resources at the port to optimize factors such as productivity and safety within the facility.


Thanks to Location Analytics technology, there is better control over the flow of people within the facility, which facilitates the management of human resources at the port to optimize factors such as productivity and safety within the facility.As a result of this preliminary study, the installation now provides optimal coverage even inside the unloading trucks. This allows operators to perform labeling tasks without needing to unload the goods, thereby improving work efficiency.

Thanks to Location Analytics technology, there is better control over the flow of people within the facility, which facilitates the management of human resources at the port to optimize factors such as productivity and safety within the facility.

Smart Ports are being introduced all over the world. A good connectivity allows you to:

Improve operator productivity

Access to your
real time

Increasing the port’s profitability

Remote network

What's next?

Offer an exceptional experience to your passengers and operators

Speak to one of our experts and find out how you can leverage Galgus technology to provide an exceptional passenger experience and improve efficiency at your port or border crossing.

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