WIFICIENCY: Develop And Test New Modules For CHT

Technological innovation project between Galgus R&D+i Department and ACE-TI group from the University of Seville.
Development of technology for cooperative, multi-platform, efficient, and context-adapted WiFi networks.
In 2018, the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain awarded the WiFiciency project (RTC-2017-6255-7) to the consortium formed by Galgus and the University of Seville, within the “Challenges-Collaboration” call. This is a technological innovation project between Galgus’ R+D+i Department and the ACE-TI group of the University of Seville, which aims to develop and test new modules for CHT (Cognitive Hotspot Technology), the embedded software for Galgus’ WiFi networks. These new modules will explore beyond the state of the art in two main areas: Automatic resource optimization to improve network performance (adaptive load balancing, interference classification, congestion control, anomaly detection, etc.). Creation of value-added functions for the network owner (device location, intrusion detection, user profiling, etc.). The project, entitled “Development of technology for cooperative, multi-platform, efficient, and context-adapted WiFi networks,” has been funded with €599,282.73 for its development over three years (2018-2019-2020).

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