Galgus, awarded by G2 with 5 badges due to our users support

What better way to celebrate summer than with recognition from our users? That’s how we feel when we receive five badges in the Summer 2023 Report from G2, the leading platform for rating and analysing software solutions. These distinctions place us as one of the best options in the market for the different projects of our clients, who have trusted in our technology and have been very satisfied with the results. We tell you all the details in this article! 

Once again this year, the G2 platform, which collects user ratings and analysis on all types of software solutions, has once again recognised us with several awards in its recently published Summer 2023 Report.

On this occasion, we have received the following:

  • High Performer Summer 2023.
  • High Performer Europe Summer 2023.
  • High Performer Small Business Summer 2023.
  • High Performer Summer 2023.
  • Users Love Us.

Each and every one of them has been achieved thanks to the feedback of those who have trusted in our technology and have been highly satisfied with the results obtained for their different projects.

To these badges must be added those already earned in previous reports last spring and winter.

For our part, we are extremely happy to tell you all this, as it is a direct result of the value that our users show towards us. Undoubtedly, the best possible motivation to keep working for and with them. We continue!
